esp32> help
help > help
Print the list of registered commands
Get the current size of free heap memory
Get minimum size of free heap memory that was
available during program execu
Get version of chip and SDK
Software reset of the chip
deep_sleep [-t <t>] [--io=<n>]
Enter deep sleep mode. Two wakeup modes are
supported: timer and GPIO. If no
wakeup option is specified, will sleep
-t, --time=<t> Wake up time, ms
--io=<n> If
specified, wakeup using GPIO with given number
--io_level=<0|1> GPIO level to trigger
light_sleep [-t <t>] [--io=<n>]...
Enter light sleep mode. Two wakeup modes are
supported: timer and GPIO. Mult
iple GPIO pins can be specified using pairs of 'io'
and 'io_level' arguments
. Will also wake up on UART input.
-t, --time=<t> Wake up time, ms
--io=<n> If
specified, wakeup using GPIO with given number
--io_level=<0|1> GPIO level to trigger
Get information about running tasks
nvs_set <key> <type> -v <value>
Set key-value pair in selected namespace.
nvs_set VarName i32 -v
nvs_set VarName str -v YourString
nvs_set VarName blob -v 0123456789
<key> key of the value to be set
<type> type can be: i8, u8, i16, u16 i32, u32
i64, u64, str, blob
-v, --value=<value> value to be stored
nvs_get <key> <type>
Get key-value pair from selected namespace.
Example: nvs_get VarName i32
<key> key of the value to be read
<type> type can be: i8, u8, i16, u16 i32, u32
i64, u64, str, blob
nvs_erase <key>
Erase key-value pair from current namespace
<key> key of the value to be erased
nvs_namespace <namespace>
Set current namespace
<namespace> namespace of the
partition to be selected
nvs_list <partition> [-n <namespace>]
[-t <type>]
List stored key-value pairs stored in NVS.Namespace
and type can be specifie
d to print only those key-value pairs.
Following command list variables stor
ed inside 'nvs' partition, under namespace
'storage' with type uint32_tExamp
le: nvs_list nvs -n storage -t u32
<partition> partition name
-n, --namespace=<namespace> namespace
-t, --type=<type> type can be: i8, u8,
i16, u16 i32, u32 i64, u64, str, blob
nvs_erase_namespace <namespace>
Erases specified namespace
<namespace> namespace to be
set_sta <ssid> <passwd>
Set SSID and password of the STA interface
<ssid> SSID
set_ap <ssid> <passwd>
Set SSID and password of the SoftAP
<ssid> SSID of AP
Password of AP
Get status and config of the router